Indoor and Parking Lot Sunday Service – Canceled Through At Least November 22nd

Starts: November 15, 2020 at 10:45 am
Ends: November 22, 2020 at 11:30 am



  • Thank you for arriving by 10:45 am to allow time for parking and seating.
  • We will have ushers wearing masks if you have any questions.
  • For those who choose to remain in their car or must remain in their car as they are unable to wear a mask the FM Radio Transmitter Frequency to use is FM 107.1
  • Space between families must be (6) six feet apart. Bulletins / markers will guide families on pew spacing.  Thank you for refraining from movement away from the pew space –this applies to all children as well.
  • Wearing a mask correctly while indoors is required for ages 5 and up. The State of MD encourages children ages 2-4 to wear masks if possible.
  • Temperatures will be taken before entering building with a non-contact thermometer. Anyone with a reading of 100.4 F or higher will be asked to worship from their car.
  • Salem will provide hand sanitizer to use upon entry and exit of the building. Individuals may also bring/use their own hand sanitizer.
  • The main offering box will be located in the entrance / doors of the narthex
  • Prepackaged communion will be offered.
  • Distribution of communion elements will be served at your pew seat.
  • Communion elements will be taken and distributed to those worshiping in their cars.
  • We will commune as one after the distribution and blessing is pronounced.
  • Used prepackaged communion is collected at end of service
  • The building is closed to the public
  • Restrooms are not available
  • Childcare / nursery is not available
  • Worship will begin at 11:00AM
  • Worship will last approximately 30 minutes
  • Worship will not include children’s sermon
  • Worship will not include congregational singing
  • Worship liturgy and hymns will be displayed on a screen
  • Safe indoor seating capacity requires RSVP of pew space prior to service. The RSVP list will serve as Contact Tracing Names.
  • We will request attendees to email or call pastor by 5:00PM Friday, October 30th to RSVP a seat and to specify the number attending. Pastor’s contact info: / 443.465.6668 / or text
  • Everyone has the option to enjoy the service either from car radio tuned to FM107.1 or the online service posted later in the day
  • Please note, future worship will be re-evaluated, modified and/or cancelled as deemed necessary for safe gathering for worship, compliance with CDC guidelines, and having ushers available to weekly assist
  • At the conclusion of the service thank you for maintaining 6ft social distancing, wearing masks and limiting talking until outside the church building.
  • If after worship you find you may have been exposed to COVID-19 please call Pastor so that others attending the service are contacted.

We ask people not to attend worship if they are feeling ill, have a temperature of 100.4 F or higher, have been exposed to COVID-19, or have compromised immune systems.  We welcome people to participate in online worship and protect those at high risk from any social stigma associated with their decision not to attend.