Sunday Worship Service

Starts: January 26, 2025 at 10:00 am
Ends: January 26, 2025 at 11:00 am

We are having in-person worship this Sunday with fellowship time following the service.  We have one service at 10:00am.  We are returning to a pre-pandemic service routine, except for the following:
  • Thank you for arriving by 15 minutes prior to the service to allow time for parking and seating.
  • Masks are optional.
  • Holy Communion will be served using the following protocol:
  • Distribution of communion elements will be served at the railing in front of the altar.
    • An usher will provide directions to approach the altar using the center aisle.
    • At the railing, the Pastor and an assistant will distribute the bread then wine or grape juice either via the pre-filled cup or the common chalice.
    • If you prefer the common chalice to receive the wine, indicate this to the assistant at this time.
    • After receiving the elements and blessing return to your seat following the outer path located to the outside of the pews and dispose of your used cup in the basket at each end of the front pews (close to the windows). Example: If seated on the left side of the church as facing the altar, return using the left side aisle and so on.
  • One restroom is available: the first one in the back hallway.
  • Childcare and nursery are not available.  However, a children’s Sunday School class may begin following the children’s message from the pastor.
  • Worship will last approximately 60 minutes.
  • We ask people not to attend worship if they are feeling ill, have a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher, have been exposed to COVID-19, or have a compromised immune system.